November 6th after months of preperation we launched our first in a series of ‘Women’s Power Lunch & Learn’ sessions .. We had an amazing group of presenters & vendors [...]
Christina is a huge asset to Jersey Girls Creative Christine brings years of marketing and advertising experience to Jersey Girls Creative. Specializing in the local space, she has the unique [...]
Letip Saddlebook You may have attended networking group meetings before, but you haven’t seen ours! We are a growing chapter that maintains a unique sense of partnership as well as camaraderie. [...]
What is OUR Easter Egg you ask? Is it one of those wonderfully colorful, hard boiled eggs that the Easter bunny leaves for you to find? Not exactly, but we will make you hunt for it! The [...]
Today we are proud to introduce to you our very first Jersey Boy, Richard Hall! Here are five fun facts about our newly appointed member… Richard is fluent in Photoshop and Illustrator When he [...]
We would like to take this time to thank you very much for making 2013 a great year for Jersey Girls Creative. We have enjoyed this year immensely and truly appreciate all our new clients that [...]